Sunday, February 26, 2012

I am still alive

I know it has been a ridiculously long time since I blogged. Honestly, I don't think anyone cares quite as much as I do. When I don't blog, I don't remember things and everything seems to blend into the madness that is my day to day life if I don't take time to notice the sweet parts of that madness.

With that said, the past two weeks have been crazy. I had a stomach virus that completely knocked me off my feet, my Freds came to visit and we're dealing with some behavioral issues with Jade that are sucking every ounce of energy I have. Combine that with the fact that Chuck has taken my computer hostage in order to finish grad school and blogging has been pushed to the back burner. But I do have some posts planned and I do miss blogging, so I plan to be back with some regularity soon. Promise.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Anna said...

Looking forward to it and some pictures.