Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Newborn photos

When Piper was 9 days old, we headed down to Virginia Beach to meet with Amy Sandoval of Amy Sandoval Photography for her newborn pictures. Amy did Jade's newborn pictures and did our family pictures when Jade turned 1. I have been beyond pleased with everything she has done for us and this time was no exception.

Here are just a few of my favorites:

Sunday, December 11, 2011

The rollercoaster begins

The majority of the time we've been a family of four, Chuck's mom was in town. Tuesday, she went back to Minnesota and since then it's been just the four of us. Tomorrow, it's just me and the girls as Chuck heads back to work.

I'll be honest: I'm scared. Breastfeeding is still challenging and taking a lot of time, although it is a lot easier than it was two weeks ago (thankfully). Jade is, understandably, still having problems adjusting. She loves her baby sister but wants her mama and I can't be there for her like she's used to.

Chuck and I were talking yesterday and we are both amazed at how little we got done while he was off. We feel like we've been going non-stop. We're both exhausted and want nothing more than a full night's sleep. Yet, the house is still dirty and nothing got checked off the to do list. It's so easy to forgot, in just 18 short months, how much time a newborn takes up. It's hard for me to look around and see things that I need/want to do and just let it go. But right now, that's where I'm at. And that's ok.

This week, my goal is simple: to enjoy some of my time with my girls. It's going to be a hard week, that's undeniable. But in-between the tantrums (Jade) and the crying (Piper), we can have fun. We can go to the park. We can go to MOPS and playgroup. And while my mind might be racing... making my to do list, planning the next feeding, and just trying to handle two babies and all the stuff they come with, I can still have fun. I can relish in the fact that Jade loves to say "Piper" and give her kisses. I can love the feel of Piper's sweet breath on my chest as she's tucked into my stretchy wrap. I can enjoy this crazy time, with God's strength and patience.

First time holding her sister


First time in the wrap. I'm sure it won't be the last :)

Love this one

Friday, December 2, 2011


I really want to be posting more consistently right now. I do, I promise.

However, the majority of my day is spent breastfeeding, and when I'm not doing that, I'm trying to spend time with Jade. At night, I crash. This is the latest I've been up since Piper was born and I'm having a hard time keeping my eyes open.

It's funny, because when Jade was this age, people told me I would look back on those days and miss them. I don't. Her being 2 months old... that I miss. How she would just curl up on me and go to sleep. But 2 weeks? I don't miss. My babies and I have a hard time getting to know each other when it comes to breastfeeding and it honestly makes life miserable until we figure it out.

So that's where we're out. Sleep deprived and frustrated. Still, I love my little family and I'm so excited to have 2 beautiful daughters. I will try to start posting more frequently, but no promises. My family comes first :)

Getting ready to leave the hospital. Isn't Jade's smile nice?