Jade is 4-months old today. She celebrated by sleeping last night. Nothing extraordinary... but 3 hours in her crib is so much better than what we got the rest of the week.
She's rolling over front to back fairly consistently. Even in front of me a couple times :)
She has now officially held herself up with her arms while sitting once. She tries all the time, but her arms just aren't quite strong enough and she's super flexible so she winds up sitting... but with her face on the floor.
We went to Christopher Newport University yesterday to hand out fliers for our church's new college ministry, and she did so well. I had her in the babyhawk and she just looked around and hung out for a whole hour. It was great.
I am slooowly learning back carries with my wrap, which I love. I am hoping to get more proficient soon because she really likes to be able to look around and she'd be able to see so much more this way. But so far she's been too low to see over my shoulder, so I'm working on that.
We're loving cloth diapers. Still trying to decide which ones we're going to use full time, but we're definitely going to make the switch.
She's still a pretty serious baby... but she is smiling more and we FINALLY managed to get a few smiles on the camera- yay :)
And for the pictures...