Friday, September 3, 2010

Better late than never?

When I was cleaning this morning, I realized that I had never posted the birth story that the doula wrote... so I figured I'd post it now. Don't worry, it's much shorter than the ones Chuck and I wrote!

Early on April 27th you called Christi telling her you had been up throughout the night. You were experiencing mild, inconsistent contractions. She reminded you to eat, to drink, and to go on with your normal activities. She encouraged you to keep your appointment with the chiropractor- knowing an adjustment would help proper alignment for the baby. Later that day you called again saying the contractions were still hanging around. We expressed the importance of rest and relaxation.
At 7:00pm Chuck called me to give an update. After talking with him on the phone I asked to talk with you (I needed to hear you work through a contraction). Once I heard you breath/moan through a LNOG contraction I instructed Chuck to fill a bath (in an attempt to get you to relax). At that point I knew it was time to come. I arrived at your house sometime before 9:00. I found you upstairs, completely naked, contracting on the toiled. You said you wanted to go to the hospital, I too thought that was a good idea. Based on the amount of bloody show you were presenting I knew you were dilating well.
I helped you get dressed while Chuck packed up a few last minute things. Your loyal dogs walked you to the door and we left the house around 9:25. Once at Riverside you labored your way through the parking ot and up to the labor and delivery floor. You were told there were no beds available and to wait in the waiting room. I shrugged saying “When you feel the urge to push we will get a room.” Your next contraction brought you to your knees, which lead the nurses to find you a room. Once in the room, at 9:45, your cervix was checked and your dilation was 8-9 cm!
You were laboring beautifully- so controlled. Chuck and I set the room with dim lights and soft music. I shared with you the verse Isaiah 41:10 Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, and help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Erin, Chuck and I witnessed the Lord’s provision of strength to you, what a blessed. You continued to confidently change positions, drink water, and empty your bladder. You liked warm compresses on your back and loved cold washcloths on your bladder.
The nursing staff allowed you to move around as needed, they only got a bit jumpy when you labored on the toilet. Chuck and I watched you move from active labor into transition, the tremble and shake of endorphins (to offset the pain) was quite clear. At 10:45, which squatting, you felt a small urge to push. The caused the nurse to check your cervix, which was now measuring 10cm. For the next hour you labored in several positions, however you preferred hands and knees. While in this position, I applied warm compresses on your perineum and at 11:45 your membranes ruptured- causing all of us to jump (and laugh). You trusted in your Maker completely.
You pushed with each urge and you rested (and even slept) between each contraction. You leaned into the Lord and His design for birth. You worshiped along with the music. You were not anxious or fearful. You continued to move your baby down through your pelvis. A little after midnight the doctor came into the room and allowed you to stay on your hands and knees. You continued to push with strength and stamina. Your baby’s head began to crown, you blew, and then with one more push she was born.
At 12:13am, on April 28, 2019, Christiana Jade took her first breath. She received a few minutes of cord blood and then was placed in your arms. You and Chuck soaked in the sweet moment of meeting your daughter. We all gave thanks to the Lord for this blessed event and miracle baby.

1 comment:

Anna said...

Good to see what the doula had to say. I am sure that Jade will enjoy reading these when she has her first baby.
