Friday, October 29, 2010

Six months!!

I seriously cannot believe that my little girl is half a year old. I know I say that every month, but it's true. And six months just seems like such a milestone age.

We've recently started giving her some food... we had been giving her teething biscuits for about a week while Chuck and I were eating dinner and she got kind of bored with those. Monday, I actually gave her a bone from my chicken thigh (yes, I made sure there was nothing sharp on it) and she LOVED it. So Tuesday we started with carrots. I'm not planning on doing a whole lot of purees... I just cut into Jade-sized pieces and steam and let her feed herself.  I like it because the 3 of us can sit at the table and eat together instead of one of us having to feed her before (or after) we eat our own dinner.

So far, carrots are not her thing. We'll move on to something else soon :)

I'm not gonna post her cute sticker picture yet because she has been most uncooperative and I haven't gotten a good one! I'm gonna keep trying with Chuck this weekend and I'll post it on Monday after her 6-month checkup with her stats.

But here are some pictures of her eating... we're about to buy a highchair, but so far we're just using the bumbo, which she has started trying to escape from haha.

She really liked that bone :) She realized that she could chew on it without holding onto it and just chomped on it while looking around for about 10 minutes. It looked like she was smoking a cigar. Chuck found it hilarious.

Carrots. Mmmm, yummy.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


So I am a huge fan of Christmas. I listen to nothing except Christmas music AFTER the day after Thanksgiving and really love all the traditions that come with the holiday season. So I am, of course, super-excited about Christmas with a baby. I think next year it will be even more fun, but that hasn't stopped me from being excited this year.

So I already bought Jade's first Christmas present and I just think it's so awesome. I had a Cabbage Patch Kid when I was little that I was in love with and I had every intention to buy Jade one eventually... but then I saw this at the store and was so happy that I could get her one now.

Isn't she adorable?? I really think Jade will like it, as she's started cuddling up to some of the stuffed animals she has. Her name is Lilly Therese. I'm not sure what her birthday is because you can't see that part of the birth certificate through the front of the box :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Pumpkin patch

We went to the pumpkin patch this morning and had a lot of fun. We did a corn maze, hay ride and got to pick out our own pumpkins. I think it will be a fun tradition for us. Jade loved looking around at everything... but per her usual style was quite serious the whole time :)

FYI, I usually don't put on her headband with the clip on the flower dangerously close to her eye... Chuck did that I didn't realize it :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Need some inspiration...

So I read quite a few "mommy" blogs. I really like reading about other people's experiences and it helps me to learn that there is no one right way to do things. That, and they give me ideas about cool things to try (or buy... much to Chuck's dismay).

And I want this to be something that people enjoy reading... but I need help from you guys. I recognize that I have a whopping 5 followers, but I figured if I asked you guys what you want to see, I can make the blog more reader-friendly and maybe more people will read it. I mean, not that I don't love posting for 5 people... but it would be nice to post for a few more too, haha.

So, more pictures? Maybe some video? Does anyone know how to make pretty backgrounds? Every time I try I mess them up and wind up just going back to this one...

If you read other blogs, share those with me if you don't mind and I can maybe steal some of their ideas. I just want this to be more of a two-way street...

I guess that's it for this post. So let me hear from you, my 5 followers :)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Feeling better :)

Thanks for the encouragement guys. Friday was just suuuuuch a rough day and I think everything just kind of hit me at once.

But we had a great weekend. Saturday we all ran errands together. Sounds fun, right? Haha. But I did have much more fun running them with Chuck than I would have had it been just me and Jade. Yesterday Chuck worked in the yard ALL day and I got some stuff done out there too. He's almost finished his project in the front, and we'll both be happy when he does. I'll post before and after pictures soon.

I think this coming weekend we're going to go to a Pumpkin Patch. I'm excited and I thought it would be a fun tradition to start since all the Christmas tree farms around here stink and we'll be buying our tree from Lowe's again this year.

Ok that's all. Earth-shattering, right? :)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Some brutal honesty

I've always wanted 3 or 4 kids. Chuck said 3 was good, so I figured we'd have at least 3 kids and we wanted them fairly close together since Chuck is already 34.

Now, I have no idea. Not because I don't love being a mom and don't love Jade but because there are times that I feel like an absolutely horrible mother and I worry constantly about how my decisions are going to effect (or is it affect? Heck, I don't care) her. I don't know if she's a crappy sleeper because of something I'm doing or because it's just who she is, but facts are facts: she's a crappy sleeper and I struggle daily over how to deal with that (ie, survive).

Chuck says that I read too much, and maybe he's right. But that's how I handle things, ya know? The books give me hope. But I'm tired, and I feel the depression creeping back in and with that comes worry and anxiety. So can I handle this 3 more times? I doubt it.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

5 months!

I simply cannot believe that my baby girl is 5-months-old. In a way, it feels like she's been around forever, and in another way it feels like we just came home from the hospital yesterday. Does that make no sense? Oh well :)

Jade has developed such an awesome little personality. She loves to watch the dogs play and will laugh at them as they bark at each other. The louder they are, the happier she is. She loves to cuddle with her mama, but has started to really like her play time on the floor. She gets so frustrated when she can't get to her toys, and I'm starting to think that she's going to crawl fairly soon because she's already gotten on her hands and knees twice. It didn't last long, but it happened. She can roll really well, but doesn't really like to do it on the floor because she hurts her head. In the crib, however, she's all over the place. She can sit up unassisted for fairly long periods of time now. I put pillows all around her and she just hangs out... and then falls on the one place I didn't put a pillow. She still cannot get herself to sitting though. Her favorite songs are "the wheels on the bus" and "shake your sillies out". We sing every day. Sometimes we even dance around (I'm so glad there's not a hidden camera anywhere in my house!).

She's gone to the nursery at the church a couple times now and really enjoys watching all the other kids play. Everyone commented on how hilarious her facial expressions are. She might not be the smiliest baby around, but you certainly can't call her expressionless. She loves bathtime. She kicks and splashes like a madwoman. And she's stopped getting annoyed when water gets in her face :)

She has even started to sleep a little better. Her naps are still catnaps, but nighttime is improving, so I'm not complaining. Any and everything she can grab goes straight to her mouth, so her hands are constantly slimy and covered in dog hair, no matter how many times I vacuum. Her curiosity amazes me. My phone is apparently very fascinating :)