Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Photo dump

Yesterday, I realized I've taken quite a few pictures that I haven't posted. So here they are :)

We bought her a water table to keep her entertained while we're doing yardwork. She dumps all her toys on the ground and then puts them back in. Over and over. 

Walking in the swimming pool- because that's safe.

Dumping the toys out of the pool. For the record, there are shorts that come with this rash guard, but they fell off when they got wet. Diaper butt it is.

So intense.

I love this picture. Or I would, if it wasn't blurry. Sigh.

Another potentially good picture- stupid shadows.

"I really want this hat off!"

Almost there!


Climbing up the slide in the pool.

Enjoying pulling everything off the shelves.

"Hey mom, read this to me!"

And just to throw this out there- I bought a book on photography recently. I really want to take good pictures. So we'll see. Hopefully they'll get better.

1 comment:

Anna said...

It is amazing how much she has developed in her standing up and walking in a little over a month. Can't wait till you all are here.