Thursday, January 14, 2010

A few photos...

I figured I would start with a few photos. Many of yall haven't seen me since I got pregnant, so I figured you might appreciate some photos.

These are at Disney World right after we found out that I was pregnant. I just posted those in case you guys had forgotten that I at one point had a flat belly :)

Now for the pregnancy photos...

Above photo was at 15 weeks. Honestly, I think I was mainly just bloated, but still.. there's a belly.

To the left was at 16 weeks, 5 days. Bloat was starting to subside and baby bump was coming in. This was the day I had to buy maternity clothes because all of a sudden nothing else would fit.

Below is 20 weeks and 2 days. Can you tell I'm not good at remembering to take them ON the week mark? Oh well. Anyways, please forgive the PJs, but that was the best view of the bump. The difference in 16 and 20 weeks amazes me.

To the left is 23 weeks, 2 days. It just keeps getting bigger...

And just because I can't resist... here are the dogs :)


Neil S said...

I love it. Its better than face book because I see and hear from only YOU and chuck. So how do I know when you post or do I just have to check back often.

Love to you both, the dogs and of course baby

Kristin Roberts said...

by the way i love that striped shirt!

Kristin Roberts said...

WOW you're growing fast! :) Looks like a beautiful mom and a healthy pregnancy to me! Thanks for posting these!