Monday, January 9, 2012


I'm just going to stop apologizing for posts being late, because right now they're all late so yall better get used to it for the time being. I'll catch up soon enough and all will be well.

Christmas this year was amazing for a few different reasons. Number one, Jade was old enough to really get excited. She still doesn't really get the anticipation of it, but when she came downstairs Christmas morning she was so very excited and started playing with her toys right away.

Number two, we had a brand new baby in the family and it was so good to be reminded of what a true gift really is.

Number three, my parents were in town, which was so nice because we were able to be with family without any of the stress of traveling with two little ones.

We kept things pretty low key since Piper was(is) so young and was keeping us all so busy. Decorations were minimal and we didn't go anywhere other than church on Christmas Eve. But I really enjoyed that and think that more people should slow down for the holidays to give themselves time to focus on the One that it is all about.

Here's a bit of a photo dump of our time around the holidays :)

She loved wearing the Santa hat. Only it was WAY too big. 

The best we could do. But I like it :) 
My favorite family picture of us. Ever. 

After church, we lost the dress. This is Jade and Chuck reading "The Night Before Christmas". 
Piper was very excited Christmas morning.

Can't you tell?

The gifts before Jade got there.

Monkeys love to play the piano.

Giving Elmo a bath in her kitchen sink.

1 comment:

Anna said...

Love the pictures. Sure do miss you all.
