Sunday morning, I told her it was Easter Sunday (she has a book explaining Easter- in a very simple way- so she kind of gets that) and we had an Easter basket downstairs for her with some presents and she said "Christmas tree?" So apparently she remembers more than I think she does! Of course the rest of the day she kept asking for the Christmas tree. Oh well, I tried :)
Somehow, I have no pictures of her "opening" her Easter basket. Honestly, it wasn't all that thrilling- she mostly wanted to play with Piper's. But I do have pictures of her dyeing eggs. I decided to just strip her down and let her have fun and I'm so glad I did because she had a blast. Just a couple highlights:
The beginning- one cup and using the "spoon"
Piper watching :)
Getting dirty...
Licking the spoon
Not a fan
Towards the end: 3 cups, an egg in each hand.
Basically every egg was put in every color and they all looked camouflaged by the end, but she had a great time. Later that day, we did an egg hunt in the front yard and took family pictures, which I'll post soon.
We made sure to tell her about what Easter is all about, but I can't wait until she's a little older and we can do some more hands-on activities for Easter. Easter should be just as big of a deal as Christmas and I want to treat it that way in our house. I want my girls to know how big of a deal it is and how we need to
spend that day reflecting and being thankful for all of the amazing gifts Jesus has given us.
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