Friday, July 6, 2012

4th of July

Our 4th this year was a little different. We had no clue what was going on around town during the day, but knew we didn't want to just sit at the hotel with the kids all day. A friend told Chuck about a parade in a local city, so we attempted to make it to that. Unfortunately, by the time we got loaded in the car, we realized it was too late to go so I just started driving while Chuck looked up somewhere to go on his phone. Another city had a children's parade a little later so we headed up there.

Of course, every other kid in the parade was ready for the parade. As in, riding decorated bikes (or even power wheels). We didn't care though because I really thought Jade would think it was fun. So we threw her on Chuck's shoulder's and just walked through it. When that was over Jade declared she was "very hungry" and since the "freedom fest" only had nachos to offer (really??) we headed to Sonic. Where Jade ate absolutely nothing, for the record.

After lunch, both kids passed out in the car and we drove around rather aimlessly for a bit. Thankfully, an old friend of Chuck's texted and invited us over to his house! They were at their neighborhood pool, so Jade got to swim and then we went back to their house for burgers and hot dogs. Jade had fun playing with their kids and it was so nice to talk to another mom for a bit!

We didn't get to see any fireworks... but the day was a complete success despite that! I'm so grateful for an Air Force family that can help you to feel at home even when you're living out of your suitcase.

A few pictures from the day:

Before we headed out. Jade's "cheese" face.

Yes, Piper is wearing the same outfit Jade wore last year at 14 months.

Jade exploring the carnival with her blanky and purse.

The parade is starting!

Our competition

Happy girl waiting on Sister to wake up

Jade LOVES the water!

Piper being an angel baby and sleeping in a (borrowed) stroller at the pool

1 comment:

Kristin Roberts said...

those pics of jade and piper sitting next to each other are great - it's crazy how similar in size they are :)