Wednesday, July 11, 2012

And the drive... Part One

Like I said here, our drive from Virginia to Oklahoma was much better than I anticipated. Jade, who pitched a fit the entire 2 hour flight from Virginia to Atlanta, was practically an angel for the 5 days we were driving. Those toddlers really keep you on your toes!

Our attempt at a family photo

Last look at the house

Our formal Father's Day photo in a mall in Richmond

Goodbye Virginia!

In Indiana with Auntie Beth. Jade loves Auntie Beth. She does not love having her picture taken.

Stopped at a children's museum in Terra Haute, IN. 

I burst out laughing every time I look at this picture.

Jade's favorite thing

On to Ohio. And Chuck's truck, which I stared at for 5 days.

Part two tomorrow...


Kristin Roberts said...

I enjoyed this post! So glad you are there safe and sound and that the trip wasn't awful.

Anna said...

Love the pictures!