Thursday, September 8, 2011

Make your own laundry detergent?

Has anyone ever taken the plunge to make their own laundry detergent?

I've been thinking about it for a while, for 2 reasons.
1. I'm cheap
2. I don't like nasty chemicals

And I've heard it works really well. So I guess that's 3 reasons. Generally, my quest to rid our home of nasty chemicals results in spending more money. So I figured that I would go for this, since it will save us money. There's a cloth diaper recipe and a normal laundry recipe, so I think I'm gonna try both.

I attempted to buy the supplies this morning, but I couldn't find them anywhere, so I ordered them on Amazon and they will be here Saturday (gotta love Amazon Prime!).

I have 2 different recipes, but they are very similar so I figure I'll just stick to one of them to make it easier. This recipe is the one I've had the longest, but then I also came across this one that the Duggars use.

So I'll let you guys know how it goes. Hopefully it's good stuff because even the smaller batches make a lot apparently.

And because I can't resist, here's a picture of Jade :)
She purposefully took all of her toys out of her basket in the sunroom so that she could sit in there. Very important stuff.


Ally said...

I totally did this once. Andy thought I was crazy.

I didn't end up using most of it, the grated soap got chunky and it didn't really agree with my HE front loading washer we had in CA. I bet it would be ok with a classic washer.

~e said...

The Duggar recipe is actually for a liquid... and the other one says with front loaders to run it under a bit of water before using it, which (I think?) is what I plan on doing. I'm worried about the front loader/traditional washer issue but I'm hoping it works out. And yeah, Chuck thinks I'm crazy too...